Monday, March 09, 2009


I finally updated my website, added a few pictures of projects I've been working on more recently. I'm still working on a completely new, simpler site. OPP is driving me crazy.

I had to have David help me document the glass pieces. I dragged out the nice Profoto kit and didn't really have a clue where to start. I know how to set up the lights and turn them on, et cetera, but he taught me a lot more very quickly. I haven't done any sort of lighting since that pre-college class I took at MCAD. Might be something worth knowing.

The pictures will probably still go through a bit more editing...making the background completely white. I was in a rush, needed images for a scholarship application to Ox-Box this summer. I really hope I can afford to go. I want to blow glass!

My summer is going to be so busy. Hopefully I will be taking a week+ for a Big City Mountaineers trip...I'm super excited about that. And I have a couple other classes picked out in addition to Ox-Box. All with photo-cage work in between. I am debating taking the wet plate photo class. I love learning photo processes, but I don't want to take photos. It's a tricky spot to be in. So many decisions.

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